Saturday, November 12, 2011

Are We In A Series A ?Crunch?? What CrunchBase Says ?

Screen Shot 2011-11-09 at 8.05.39 PMRemember that time the Wall Street Journal wrote an article about an influx of "start-up" companies raising seed/angel rounds and then all those companies subsequently trying to raise Series A rounds and failing hard? And then all these VCs and angels got in a fight about it, on Twitter, and on their own blogs? Well, we pulled some rough funding data from Crunchbase (which come to think of it should be a National Treasure), and, as it turns out, more and more companies are raising seed and angel rounds (we're counting both as the same) and less and less companies are raising Series A. In fact the number of seed deals went up 33% from 2008 to 2010, while Series A deals were down 9.6% during the same period.


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