Sunday, October 2, 2011

Finance And Business | Tax Lien Investing Basics: The Difference ...

?Tax Lien Investing Basics for the New Investor
Are you stalled in your tax lien investing because you think you need to know more before you get started? Tax lien investing is really not that complex. You just need to follow these 5 basic steps. 1. Choose where you will invest The first step is to choose the state and county or counties that you want to invest in. Are you interested in investing in tax liens, tax deeds, or redeemable tax deeds? This will help to determine which state you will invest in. If you don?t live in a state...

?Tax Lien Investing Book Review
Recently one of my clients asked me what I thought of one of a book about tax lien investing. The book that he asked me about is one that I do recommend on my web site. The name of the book is Profit by Investing in Tax Liens, by Larry Loftis. The problem with books about investing in tax liens and tax deeds is that every state is very different and there is no book in print that I?m aware of that does justice to every state in the U.S. My goal in this article is to give you a short review of...

?How to Avoid The Competition At Tax Sales
I know this is probably one of your biggest challenges as a newbie tax lien investor ? how to avoid all the competition at the tax sale. When you hear about how fierce the competition is at the tax sale, you?re likely to give up and throw in the towel on tax lien investing before you even get started. So I thought that I?d share with you some ways that I?ve been able to still get double digit returns on my tax lien portfolios regardless of the competition. I have 3 different strategies that...

?Tax Lien Investing FAQs
Recently I sent an e-mail out to my subscribers asking them some questions. I wanted to find out what it is that most people want to know about tax lien investing. I got a lot of good questions and I won?t be able to answer them all in this article, but I want to try to answer those that were asked most often and that weren?t answered in my new free video course. I especially like to answer questions that start out with the words ?How do I?? or ?How can I...? This type of question shows me...

?New Jersey Tax Sales
Recently I attended 2 tax sales on the same day in New Jersey and got no liens. At the first sale I went to I only opened my mouth to bid once. Everything except for one small $72 lien got bid down to 0%, and premium was paid even for small sewer liens. This was at the same sale that I had been successful at the year before, so what happened? It just so happens that you really can?t tell how a tax sale is going to be from how it was last year. One year a tax sale will be good for investors and...

?Investing in Tax Liens What if I m in a Deed State
Frequently I get asked this question: ?I really want to start investing in tax liens, but I live in a deed state. Should I look into investing in tax liens in another state, or try to invest in tax deeds in my own state.? In this article I?ll give you what I recommend for investors want to invest in tax liens, but find that in their state they only sell tax deeds. It?s not a one-size fits all answer, it really depends on what your goals are and on your particular state. You really have two...

?Tax Deed Investing A Better Way to Purchase Property for Pennies on the Dollar
This is the second article in a series about advanced strategies for buying tax delinquent properties. In my last article Tax Deed Investing: Can You Still Get Property For Pennies on the Dollar, I introduced you to Jack Bosch and his Land For Pennies system of buying tax delinquent properties. In this article, I'd like to tell you a little more about Jack's method and explain how it's different from investing in tax lien certificates or tax deeds. When you purchase a tax lien certificate...

?Now is the Time to Act Part I
Now is a great time to jump on money making opportunities in real estate and tax lien certificates. In economic downturns like we?re in right now, many investors run out of investment capital. They may have lost money in other investments ? like the stock market or mutual funds, and have to pull back from investing in real estate, just when it?s the perfect time to buy. That means less competition and more opportunity for you. I?m seeing some great opportunities right now in tax lien investing...

?Buying Tax Liens The Facts
Recently someone asked me some questions that I think are on the mind of everyone who is thinking about buying tax liens. People want to know how much money they need to get started in tax lien investing and if this is something that they can use as their main source of income. In this article I will give my experience of what it takes to get started as opposed to how much money you need to invest in order to turn buying tax liens into your main income source. First let me make it clear that...

?Tax Lien Investing Basics Six Things You Need To Know
If you believe the hype that you here about tax lien investing, you would think that you just go to a tax sale, buy some liens and make loads of money in a few months. But if that were true than everybody would be doing it! If you?ve actually started to invest in tax liens then you know that there is some work involved in order to be successful. You know that you have to do your due diligence on tax sales properties. And you know that those double digit interest rates that everyone talks about...


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